IntakeForm Intake FormThis form need to be filled by new clients. This form is required to be filled before any counseling can begin. मनोपरामर्श शुरु हुनु अघि यस फारम पुरा भर्नुहोस।Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name/नाम *FirstLastPlease enter full name. पुरा नाम भर्नुहोसAddress/ठेगाना *Please enter current address, tole, district, province, country Gender/लिङ्ग *Female/महिलाMale/पुरुषOthers/अन्यDate of Birth/ जन्म मिति or Age *Please enter date of birth or ageContact Number/टेलेफोन नम्बर *Please enter contact number(phone/mobile)Email/ई-मेलPlease, enter email address.Education/शिक्षा *Please enter your highest educationOccupation/पेशा *Name of School/College/organization/स्कुल/कलेजको/काम गर्ने संस्था *If you are student please fill school/college name. If you work, please enter working organization name.Next of Keen (Guardian/Parent) Information(अभिभावकको बिबरण): *FirstLastPlease enter Next of Keen (Guardian/Parent) Information(अभिभावकको बिबरण):Relation with Guardian/अभिभावक संग नाता *Contact number of Guardian/अभिभावक को टेलेफोन नम्बर *I have heard about this counseling from/मैले यस मनोपरामर्श सेवाको बारेमा कहां बाट थाहा पाएंः *Helping and Smiling facebook page/फेसबुक बाटGoogle Search/गुगल website/वेभ साईत बाटThrough friends/साथीहरु बाटThrough Relatives/परिवारजनOthers/अन्यPlease enter from where you learned about our service. हाम्रो मनोसामाजिक परामर्श सेवा बारे कहां बाट ठाहा पाउनु भयो लेख्नुहोस।I agree to following terms/निम्न शर्तहरु पालना गर्ने छु। *Me or my relatives or my friends or any third party does not hold Helping and Smiling responsible for any of my actions. मेरो कुनै पनि कार्य को लागि मैले वा मेरो परिवारले वा मेरो साथीहरुले वा कसैले पनि हेल्पिङग एण्ड स्माईलिङ्ग वा मनोसामाजिक परामर्शदाता लाई जिम्मेवार ठहराउने छैन। By Submitting I agree to all the terms and conditions. यस फारम भरेर म उल्लेखित कुराहरुमा सहमत जनाउंछु।NameSubmit